Be Productive

Every organization aspires growth and there’s a difference between moving forward and being productive. As the saying goes “it’s not the number of hours you put into work, it is the quality of work you put in those hours”. So how do you keep moving forward productively?

  • Accountability – Imbibe the quality of accountability in the workplace. When staff are held accountable for their actions, they work meticulously and cautiously which will boost productivity.
  • Manage not Micro Manage – For every establishment, it is important for management to have faith in their workers’ abilities which encourages and empowers them with the confidence to give their all. Hovering and micro managing would only increase dependency in the workplace and slow growth.
  • Skill Upgrade – In a world of constant change and improvement in technology, frequent training and workshops go a long way to upgrading staffs’ skills set and effectively boost productivity.
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